lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018


The goal of this report is to describe and evaluate my six weeks’ experience at the Cerro Navia’s Clinic Hospital Félix Bulnes and to make recommendations for the future.

The Clinic Hospital Félix Bulnes is located in Cerro Navia, is the bigger hospital on Santiago of Chile, and it buildings began in Octubre of 2014. It let many people could have opportunities of work, and the neighbors of Cerro Navia could have an Hospital with ultimate technology near of them. It having within its services are the specialty of Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Neonatology, Emergency Geriatrics, more beds and pavilions, etc.

During my sex week with the Clinic Hospital, I was received for Social Work’s department, who are encargaded to: detect socioeconomic problems in hospitalized patients, conduct socioeconomic studies when necessary, detect the problem of patients arriving at emergencies at the social level, orient families on procedures such as organ donation, blood donation, etc. But I was designed to tree principal areas of the discipline at the scope.

One was to receive to the patients and give their dates, numbers, directions, etc, it’s an more administration area, where have to take the dates and put to the register of the hospital and situation economic, social and familiar.  

Other area was where the social workers go to houses of the patients to check if the information gave is correct and the patient can continue to get the treatment if the patient can’t go she/he self to the hospital, so I had many work on the field.  

And finally, award information to patients according their healthy and social situation, trying it be the most apropiated for the person and the family.

I think the time I was with the Clinic Hospital Félix Bulnes was very important to my formation as professional, because it let me see different cases, with different level of complexity. And with help of my superiors, I could learn ways to affront it.

In conclusion, the Clinic Hospital Félix Bulnes is a great place to Social Work students. Where the work environment is friendly among workmates of Social Work and the other discipline. It’s a place where I would like recommended to the other students and go to work in the future.

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

How things work


The technology it's a thing that characterize our contemporary age, with the industrial revolutions and the social changes as consequences of those. But is not only a thing own of this age, the humanity has been marked because technological invents, for example, with Leonardo Da Vinci with his invents and project sketch of fly's machines. Or the invents to the wars and artifacts to fight, with help of the science like the gas cameras. Or the invents of transports, like the car and the airplane and the subway. All those things are useful and has change the life of the humanity and the way of relationship among us, it making the priorities of a time being different at the priorities of before. Because not only the technology affect our life the macro way, with things only the collective use, too the individual use, as the phone, car, computer, a shower with hot water, etc. 

And One object we use the individual form it's the hair dryer. Because, even it's a object all the family we can use, everyone use that one at the time. Not two or more people at the same time. The inventor was the Frenchman Alexandre Godefoy, in 1890 in France.

At the beginning was a vacuum cleaner with the bomb inverted, expel the air in the side vacuum. Birthing the first hair dryer, but is not only 1920 that it would give fame and would make with small pieces form of a ventilator and resistance that the heat up the air. At 1930 was popular in the hair salon have one, with the helmet form. But it's into 1950 when appear Bakelite's carcass would let appear the hair dryer as we meet, on a portable form.

This subject have the mission of dry our hair. This is very important specially in wintertime, when the rey of the hair results more difficult, and we can have a headache or a cold. It prevent we go out with a temperature  much different at the ambient, above all when we recently have a shower. Too, some many people (me include) use this object as a way to iron the clothes when they go out late and didn't have time to iron the clothes before. So, drying the hair isn't the only purpose, although this second function is not the original, it work very well (although depends the material of the clothe). 

In conclusion, this object it's very important that diary life, and our routine. Although isn't esencial to live, it's something that could simplify our life since the head with dry and straighten function if you want more; the body too if you want and you are the people aren't have the habit to iron your clothe at time, or if you have very cold when is winter and only you want inside of warm bed... the hair dryer it's a very good option if you don't have a heater bed or hot water bottle. Too it exist in different designs and size, perfect if you are the person with a mark style.