How many things we usually use have been made of leather, like bags, purses, shoes, earring, bracelet, etc. All this things isn't are of our age, no. All this things and more have been produced of leather, is actually we have things we used to be of leather, but for effects of advance of industries, and news ways of use things with materials with more resistance adding it to the leather, for example, balls of sports (football, basketball, etc), bags, etc.
The leather is more important in our life, and its mean is from of latin "curium": skin of animal, weather-beaten (Del Moral Cardoso, 2013). It has been since more sigles on our humanity's history. For this, is because exist a art specialize in manufacture of leather and this is: leather shop.
The leather shop is the estableshiment where they sell things of leather, and the art of making things of leather. It's a practice date from 700 AC approximately, where Assyrian's soldiers used to use mount with some decorations on it. (Artesanias en cuero, 2011) Also, fashion of the Medival age, and specially things of cavalery, of protections and mount to wars and travels on horse.
Nevertheless into 5000 B.C the Egyptian tombs indicate many artifact made of leather like " sandals, clothes, buckets, bottles, shrouds for burying the dead and for military equipment"(Moore and Giles, 2018). And it's the ancient Greeks who developed tanning formulations of use of certain of leathers like soak some tree barks and leaves in water to preservative the leather. Making with this: leather tanned into vegetables, that's still a way to produce it like an active ingredient in the moderns tannages. (Moore and Giles, 2018)
Many centuries later, the 18th an 19th with spread of industrialization, the need of news forms of made thing with leather was more, specially to the drive of machinery. Like with the invention car, with new shoes (lightweight footwear) with a fashionable appearance, and with the new general level of living demand a new, soft, colorful and supple leather. (Moore and Giles, 2018). For this, is necessary not only leather with the production with the vegetable tanned as the ancient Greeks.
In conclusion, the leather is still a thing we have a useful thing and the high quality when we know is made with leather, as the shoes, or a bag, for example. And despite it's more expensive for us, we have in our imaginary the price it's fine if the thing is made of leather, because all the story have behind of this, and many people ignorant of. The thing is, the leather shop it's a art that have its own history and for this merit our all respect and consideration to the traditional way we can found with this, not only machinery production make leather's things. Because traditional way imply more work, and more ancient, since ancient Greeks and Assyrian's soldier.
-Daniel (10th of April of 2011). Origen de la talabarteria (harness) [Blog post]. Artesanias en Cuero [Blog]. Recover of
-Del Moral Cardoso, P. (13th of May of 2013). Breve Historia Del Cuero. Cuero Artístico. Recover of
-Moore and Giles (2018). History of Leather. Recover of
lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2018
lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018
1)History of Guitar as instrument
2)Types of guitars
3) Classic Guitar
1)History of Guitar as instrument
2)Types of guitars
3) Classic Guitar
The music is a one principal entertainment in a meeting or party. To many people feel that is their passion or vocation, they become to dedicate their life to this noble art. And the music is a one things always be into our lifes and since ancient civilisation, with any way, the music always be present in the humanity, with religious reasons or entertainment, or with court and love intent. And for those reasons is because was created many musical instruments to make music and this be more beautiful and complete to the occasion.
And one this musical instruments is the guitar. This instrument is one more popular around the world, and have differents versions of it in differents cultures. It name from arabic term wich one presedent is in Greek. And is an instrument with a resonat box, with a handle and rope with division wich one let make sounds. The first place where appear this instrument (we have search) is in India and Arabic Countries. And with the wars and conquist, many things has been blend between cultures, and one those is the musical instruments.
Have differents types of guitar in differents cultures, with variants in the form and for this, the sound. We have Sitar, the Indian Guitar, Italian Guitar, Barroque Guitar, Mandiola, Laud, Ukelele, etc. But one is one more famous and wich one we can think in the Acustic Guitar and Flamenc Guitar: The Classic Guitar.
The Classic Guitar or Spanish Guitar, is instrument characteric the music, wich one is present in each music team or for solist. It's a instrument more loved for the youth a for differents types of music, as Rock, Jazz, Heavy Metal, Folclore, etc. In this last kind of music we can see more the use of it, without need of much amplication, and easy use, we can play in anyplace: the bus, house, square, etc.
In conclusion, this instrument, specially Classic Guitar is an instrument which one make many sound and play songs which one we can found in Internet with more easiness that other instrument isn't common. Too is one instrument wich one we can feel and ear many song of own folclore, we can identify as nation and group of person and is one the characteristic instrument we can express our feeling with more facility as accompaniment if we want. An instrument wich one we can inherit our knowlegde about it of generation on generation.
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