jueves, 26 de octubre de 2017

A photograph you like

This is the photo than i like. Because it was in a my life's beautiful periode. It was taken by my scout leader,  while we bathed in a place of San Gregorio (I can't remember the name).

It was taken in the year 2006 approximately,  in summer.  And I like it because during the time that  I was  scout, I was very happy, I learned many things, I became friends.  

I had to leave it because of the studies and now there is no time to return. Because the studies and work. A lot of stress. I prefer in my free time to sleep. Although I think I should choose do some sport ... well, I would like to someday relive it. And as represented by this image, taken at the precise moment of falling into the water... throw myself into life and have an excellent time. And hopefully meet again with the people with who we used to go camping, make expeditions, night games, etc. And to be children again.

So  that’s the photo I like, and that represents part of my life,  especially my childhood, when my brother, my mother and my uncle (who was the leader of the Scout group at that time) we went every summer camp and we played. And with it, always have beautiful memories to tell and appreciate.

I am happy to know that there are still scout groups, or groups and activities that try to live outdoor experiences, in a world where ever urbanize everything, these kinds of activities,  and give color to a person's life, in addition to typical gray that leaves the cement of the city. And just as it gave color to my life, I hope to give it to another child or adult, regardless of age and size of being.
I hope than you can and want live the experience <3! 

Thanks for reading! 


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