I think that it's not a ideal habitat to a exotic animal. I mean, if about a snake, for example, it not too much to do in a city. Although I must to admit that I think some exotic animals are cute, like hedgehogs, fishes, parrot, etc. But I still think that it's no appropiate have animals aren't used to the city, or place that isn't its natural habitat. But, if you have one, you should looking for it very well, take care and be responsable with it, i mean it's a life you choiced to have.
What is your opinion about child labor?
I think it isn't be, but it happen. I mean, a child should be thinking about of play and study. Enjoy before all adult's worries come to him/her (thinking on adult age). But, well, not all of childs have the same families and the same conditions of life, and that's by economic sistem and the society, that let it be. I think that it's a matter it be working all together.
What is your opinion about tatoos?
I think it are very beatiful. I said it thinking on the story of them in some many cultures, the story it represent. And the beautifull designes that's apared ultimatly. I wish make me one, but thinking it is for all the life... it be on my skin for ever... it make me feel nervous, because... what I can do if at 10 years more I won't like it more? Well, at the mooment I prefer to see on another person while I decide which make me in near future.
What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?
I think it must be, because the marijuana for some people it is a medicine. Not only a bad habit, such as think some people about this. The cigarette it's more a vicie than marijuana, and it is legal. I think it is a matter of economics interest of monopoly cigarette, that it's not good for them that it be legal. Well, besides of problems it come to the body too, but it happen too with the cigarette. I don't know too much about this matter, but that's I think.
Thanks 4 reading!
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