viernes, 6 de julio de 2018

My Favorite TV show

I'd watched many TV shows and many series, so it's difficult to me thinking about one only.
But I remember one TV show that kept me awake when I was a child until dawn, and this is "La Ley De La Selva". A familiar TV show, educative, and funny, where we could watch different animals, with tips to pet owners, reports, and sometimes operations.
It was hosted by the veterinarian Sebastián "Lindorfo" Jimenez and Janette Moenne-Loccoz
My favorite episode is... I can't remember which one, but I loved when they showed us the exotic animals, like snakes, cocodiles. Animals of Savannah and Jungle. Maybe beacuse I knew I couldn't go to those places.
I liked the TV show beacuse I liked the idea about becoming a veterinarian when I grow up, but when they showed us exotic pets in the programme (like insects), so I could see I wasn't going to become a veterinarian, but I love to watch those programme style. For example, "Zooboomafoo", other programme about animals, especially of Jungle (of I can remember).

Thanks for read!!


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