How many things we usually use have been made of leather, like bags, purses, shoes, earring, bracelet, etc. All this things isn't are of our age, no. All this things and more have been produced of leather, is actually we have things we used to be of leather, but for effects of advance of industries, and news ways of use things with materials with more resistance adding it to the leather, for example, balls of sports (football, basketball, etc), bags, etc.
The leather is more important in our life, and its mean is from of latin "curium": skin of animal, weather-beaten (Del Moral Cardoso, 2013). It has been since more sigles on our humanity's history. For this, is because exist a art specialize in manufacture of leather and this is: leather shop.
The leather shop is the estableshiment where they sell things of leather, and the art of making things of leather. It's a practice date from 700 AC approximately, where Assyrian's soldiers used to use mount with some decorations on it. (Artesanias en cuero, 2011) Also, fashion of the Medival age, and specially things of cavalery, of protections and mount to wars and travels on horse.
Nevertheless into 5000 B.C the Egyptian tombs indicate many artifact made of leather like " sandals, clothes, buckets, bottles, shrouds for burying the dead and for military equipment"(Moore and Giles, 2018). And it's the ancient Greeks who developed tanning formulations of use of certain of leathers like soak some tree barks and leaves in water to preservative the leather. Making with this: leather tanned into vegetables, that's still a way to produce it like an active ingredient in the moderns tannages. (Moore and Giles, 2018)
Many centuries later, the 18th an 19th with spread of industrialization, the need of news forms of made thing with leather was more, specially to the drive of machinery. Like with the invention car, with new shoes (lightweight footwear) with a fashionable appearance, and with the new general level of living demand a new, soft, colorful and supple leather. (Moore and Giles, 2018). For this, is necessary not only leather with the production with the vegetable tanned as the ancient Greeks.
In conclusion, the leather is still a thing we have a useful thing and the high quality when we know is made with leather, as the shoes, or a bag, for example. And despite it's more expensive for us, we have in our imaginary the price it's fine if the thing is made of leather, because all the story have behind of this, and many people ignorant of. The thing is, the leather shop it's a art that have its own history and for this merit our all respect and consideration to the traditional way we can found with this, not only machinery production make leather's things. Because traditional way imply more work, and more ancient, since ancient Greeks and Assyrian's soldier.
-Daniel (10th of April of 2011). Origen de la talabarteria (harness) [Blog post]. Artesanias en Cuero [Blog]. Recover of
-Del Moral Cardoso, P. (13th of May of 2013). Breve Historia Del Cuero. Cuero Artístico. Recover of
-Moore and Giles (2018). History of Leather. Recover of
lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2018
lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018
1)History of Guitar as instrument
2)Types of guitars
3) Classic Guitar
1)History of Guitar as instrument
2)Types of guitars
3) Classic Guitar
The music is a one principal entertainment in a meeting or party. To many people feel that is their passion or vocation, they become to dedicate their life to this noble art. And the music is a one things always be into our lifes and since ancient civilisation, with any way, the music always be present in the humanity, with religious reasons or entertainment, or with court and love intent. And for those reasons is because was created many musical instruments to make music and this be more beautiful and complete to the occasion.
And one this musical instruments is the guitar. This instrument is one more popular around the world, and have differents versions of it in differents cultures. It name from arabic term wich one presedent is in Greek. And is an instrument with a resonat box, with a handle and rope with division wich one let make sounds. The first place where appear this instrument (we have search) is in India and Arabic Countries. And with the wars and conquist, many things has been blend between cultures, and one those is the musical instruments.
Have differents types of guitar in differents cultures, with variants in the form and for this, the sound. We have Sitar, the Indian Guitar, Italian Guitar, Barroque Guitar, Mandiola, Laud, Ukelele, etc. But one is one more famous and wich one we can think in the Acustic Guitar and Flamenc Guitar: The Classic Guitar.
The Classic Guitar or Spanish Guitar, is instrument characteric the music, wich one is present in each music team or for solist. It's a instrument more loved for the youth a for differents types of music, as Rock, Jazz, Heavy Metal, Folclore, etc. In this last kind of music we can see more the use of it, without need of much amplication, and easy use, we can play in anyplace: the bus, house, square, etc.
In conclusion, this instrument, specially Classic Guitar is an instrument which one make many sound and play songs which one we can found in Internet with more easiness that other instrument isn't common. Too is one instrument wich one we can feel and ear many song of own folclore, we can identify as nation and group of person and is one the characteristic instrument we can express our feeling with more facility as accompaniment if we want. An instrument wich one we can inherit our knowlegde about it of generation on generation.
lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018
The goal of
this report is to describe and evaluate my six weeks’ experience at the Cerro
Navia’s Clinic Hospital Félix Bulnes and to make recommendations for the future.
The Clinic
Hospital Félix Bulnes is located in Cerro Navia, is the bigger hospital on
Santiago of Chile, and it buildings began in Octubre of 2014. It let many
people could have opportunities of work, and the neighbors of Cerro Navia could
have an Hospital with ultimate technology near of them. It having within its
services are the specialty of Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Neonatology, Emergency
Geriatrics, more beds and pavilions, etc.
During my
sex week with the Clinic Hospital, I was received for Social Work’s department,
who are encargaded to: detect socioeconomic problems in hospitalized patients,
conduct socioeconomic studies when necessary, detect the problem of patients
arriving at emergencies at the social level, orient families on procedures such
as organ donation, blood donation, etc. But I was designed to tree principal
areas of the discipline at the scope.
One was to receive
to the patients and give their dates, numbers, directions, etc, it’s an more
administration area, where have to take the dates and put to the register of
the hospital and situation economic, social and familiar.
Other area
was where the social workers go to houses of the patients to check if the
information gave is correct and the patient can continue to get the treatment if
the patient can’t go she/he self to the hospital, so I had many work on the
And finally,
award information to patients according their healthy and social situation,
trying it be the most apropiated for the person and the family.
I think the
time I was with the Clinic Hospital Félix Bulnes was very important to my
formation as professional, because it let me see different cases, with different
level of complexity. And with help of my superiors, I could learn ways to affront
conclusion, the Clinic Hospital Félix Bulnes is a great place to Social Work
students. Where the work environment is friendly among workmates of Social Work and the
other discipline. It’s a place where I would like recommended to the other
students and go to work in the future.
lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018
How things work
The technology it's a thing that characterize our contemporary age, with the industrial revolutions and the social changes as consequences of those. But is not only a thing own of this age, the humanity has been marked because technological invents, for example, with Leonardo Da Vinci with his invents and project sketch of fly's machines. Or the invents to the wars and artifacts to fight, with help of the science like the gas cameras. Or the invents of transports, like the car and the airplane and the subway. All those things are useful and has change the life of the humanity and the way of relationship among us, it making the priorities of a time being different at the priorities of before. Because not only the technology affect our life the macro way, with things only the collective use, too the individual use, as the phone, car, computer, a shower with hot water, etc.

And One object we use the individual form it's the hair dryer. Because, even it's a object all the family we can use, everyone use that one at the time. Not two or more people at the same time. The inventor was the Frenchman Alexandre Godefoy, in 1890 in France.
At the beginning was a vacuum cleaner with the bomb inverted, expel the air in the side vacuum. Birthing the first hair dryer, but is not only 1920 that it would give fame and would make with small pieces form of a ventilator and resistance that the heat up the air. At 1930 was popular in the hair salon have one, with the helmet form. But it's into 1950 when appear Bakelite's carcass would let appear the hair dryer as we meet, on a portable form.

This subject have the mission of dry our hair. This is very important specially in wintertime, when the rey of the hair results more difficult, and we can have a headache or a cold. It prevent we go out with a temperature much different at the ambient, above all when we recently have a shower. Too, some many people (me include) use this object as a way to iron the clothes when they go out late and didn't have time to iron the clothes before. So, drying the hair isn't the only purpose, although this second function is not the original, it work very well (although depends the material of the clothe).
In conclusion, this object it's very important that diary life, and our routine. Although isn't esencial to live, it's something that could simplify our life since the head with dry and straighten function if you want more; the body too if you want and you are the people aren't have the habit to iron your clothe at time, or if you have very cold when is winter and only you want inside of warm bed... the hair dryer it's a very good option if you don't have a heater bed or hot water bottle. Too it exist in different designs and size, perfect if you are the person with a mark style.
The technology it's a thing that characterize our contemporary age, with the industrial revolutions and the social changes as consequences of those. But is not only a thing own of this age, the humanity has been marked because technological invents, for example, with Leonardo Da Vinci with his invents and project sketch of fly's machines. Or the invents to the wars and artifacts to fight, with help of the science like the gas cameras. Or the invents of transports, like the car and the airplane and the subway. All those things are useful and has change the life of the humanity and the way of relationship among us, it making the priorities of a time being different at the priorities of before. Because not only the technology affect our life the macro way, with things only the collective use, too the individual use, as the phone, car, computer, a shower with hot water, etc.

And One object we use the individual form it's the hair dryer. Because, even it's a object all the family we can use, everyone use that one at the time. Not two or more people at the same time. The inventor was the Frenchman Alexandre Godefoy, in 1890 in France.
At the beginning was a vacuum cleaner with the bomb inverted, expel the air in the side vacuum. Birthing the first hair dryer, but is not only 1920 that it would give fame and would make with small pieces form of a ventilator and resistance that the heat up the air. At 1930 was popular in the hair salon have one, with the helmet form. But it's into 1950 when appear Bakelite's carcass would let appear the hair dryer as we meet, on a portable form.

This subject have the mission of dry our hair. This is very important specially in wintertime, when the rey of the hair results more difficult, and we can have a headache or a cold. It prevent we go out with a temperature much different at the ambient, above all when we recently have a shower. Too, some many people (me include) use this object as a way to iron the clothes when they go out late and didn't have time to iron the clothes before. So, drying the hair isn't the only purpose, although this second function is not the original, it work very well (although depends the material of the clothe).

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2018
1) What do you think about Youtube?
a)I like it
b)I don’t like it
c)It is indiferent to me
d) I don’t know
2) Is Youtube sites dangerous?
b) No
c) I don’t know
d) Don’t answer
3) What kind of videos do you see in Youtube?
a) Music
b )Information
c) Fun videos
d) Studies
4) Do you uses Youtube sites to study?
a) Always
b) Often
c) Sometimes
d) Never
5) How much time do you spend using Youtube?
a) One hours
b) Three Hours
c) Six hours
d) 10 hours or more
6) Do you know chilean youtubers?
c) Not chilean
d)I don’t know
7) Do you recommend Youtube to your friends?
b) No
c) I don’t know
d)Depends of use
a)I like it
b)I don’t like it
c)It is indiferent to me
d) I don’t know
2) Is Youtube sites dangerous?
b) No
c) I don’t know
d) Don’t answer
3) What kind of videos do you see in Youtube?
a) Music
b )Information
c) Fun videos
d) Studies
4) Do you uses Youtube sites to study?
a) Always
b) Often
c) Sometimes
d) Never
5) How much time do you spend using Youtube?
a) One hours
b) Three Hours
c) Six hours
d) 10 hours or more
6) Do you know chilean youtubers?
c) Not chilean
d)I don’t know
7) Do you recommend Youtube to your friends?
b) No
c) I don’t know
d)Depends of use
lunes, 1 de octubre de 2018
There are
many languages around the world, into different cultures, like Spanish,
English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, etc. But, in the world there
are people have to communicate into different language that in the world not much
people talk and know exist: the sign language.
the people use this language are people can’t hear or talk. This is because
they would can different problems throughout their life, like problems of
birth, accidents, illness, traumas, etc. And thanks this language (that it’s different according
to the country and culture), they can stay into the society and be one more, apparently
with a different condition, camouflage their self into the society, working,
paying duties, contributing to the country the same way the rest of the
mortals. But the different appear when the moment to talk comes.
Many people
can’t communicate with these persons. And this is a serious problem, because it
takes them on a separated side of the rest people. Show them that they are different
individuals, the bad way. And the matter isn’t the people plays jokes or are
nuisance to them, it’s the most people doesn’t know the language, and only they
can do is doing the sign typical when you try to communicate with another
person doesn’t talk your language, to trying to do a expression’s face, point a
finger at things that you think help to understand yourself, etc. Although, we
can count on with the technology, and we can to write we can say if the other
person is of other country. But if we didn’t count on with the cellphone, we
can do nothing more the basic tries. And the problem here is there aren’t
classes to learn the language, is how they aren’t exists. Get it with this that they more times only can
communicate among them. Usually only people work in medicine area can learn
this, how only they talks with people, how the people can’t hear or talk doesn’t
stay among the society, with more people.

lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2018
INTRODUCTION: How the color's clothes impact our life
The colors is a very important topic to the people everyday, front the moment we're going to dress up, to buy something, to the moment you can change your hair's color. Every person has a favorite color, that they think identifies them, actually there are psychological theories about the people suffering from disorder have one common color as their favourite. But there is one topic that everybody doesn't notice, it's not a matter of thinking, because it's become a natural thing, and this is: the color of the clothes, more specifically, the myth of "how every color attracts the heat or UV ray to the clothes of person who wears it". This is a relevant topic at this last time, above all with the global heating that bothering our planet. We are gonna to topple the myth, and remove the negative fame to the black color. It does being a color that always has been attributed diverse meanings like mourning, elegance and death, even as a symbol of people who like a common music. It does keeping a reputation of be a color attracts more heat that whichever other color.
lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2018
Bio Data
Good Afternoon, I'm going to introduce a student that postulates to register at University for this semester. Her name is María Paz Martínez Allendes. She is a young and innocent girl, and a Universidad de Chile student, of 22 years old. She's coursing the 2nd year of her career: Social Work.
She has to study while she is at University, for going to work in a supermarket later in the afternoon, normally. She studies and prepares, passing all her subjects with good marks, because she wants to go to out of country; she wants to realise a semester in UK, in Oxford University, specifically. Because it would give her an oportunity to complete her formation as proffesional. For this she has preparated herself since high school, where she had been in courses of foreigner languages, like Chinese. In this course she has had the oportunity to know about a website where she can learn the language from native person of China, as a reinforcement and practice. But these people didn't know Spanish, only English. So she could practice her English, she had to do it, and get better. So the language isn't too much of a problem now. Since that experience, she knows a little of Chinese, and English.
Actually, she is in the second year of her career, but she only work while she study; she does other activities too. She participes in the Tuna of her University, playing the guitar and singing; with a rehearsal per week, normally. And she practices fencing at the weekend; she has come to participe in tournament of this sports too.
She is an integrate student, at least she tries.
I hope she has a warm reception
She has to study while she is at University, for going to work in a supermarket later in the afternoon, normally. She studies and prepares, passing all her subjects with good marks, because she wants to go to out of country; she wants to realise a semester in UK, in Oxford University, specifically. Because it would give her an oportunity to complete her formation as proffesional. For this she has preparated herself since high school, where she had been in courses of foreigner languages, like Chinese. In this course she has had the oportunity to know about a website where she can learn the language from native person of China, as a reinforcement and practice. But these people didn't know Spanish, only English. So she could practice her English, she had to do it, and get better. So the language isn't too much of a problem now. Since that experience, she knows a little of Chinese, and English.
Actually, she is in the second year of her career, but she only work while she study; she does other activities too. She participes in the Tuna of her University, playing the guitar and singing; with a rehearsal per week, normally. And she practices fencing at the weekend; she has come to participe in tournament of this sports too.
She is an integrate student, at least she tries.
I hope she has a warm reception
jueves, 23 de agosto de 2018
English Language Challenge

nt which I could practice my English, and I could progress with it. But in my "sabbatical year" I lost almost all I won. So I liked this subject, I think that with this, the doors are open to me for a big word, my word expands far away to Spanish. But I think that with the blogs, it's a little slow, I mean, be seated for a time, it becomes tedious, in my humility opinion. I prefer to practice the speak, to talk, because I since the school they made to write on English us, more to speak. So it's a lack that I feel to get better.
I think, personally, to get better my weaknesses, at the moment, I could to sing songs into English, I do not know maybe hip-hop (? Rap, to practice more the language almost on real time, without the tempos, and pauses of a melody's song.
Too outside English class watched many movies, and series whose are on English, the majority with subtitles into Spanish, and others into Japanese or Chinese but with subtitles into English (not always have into Spanish; n;). And at beginning, I started as for fun, but after I felt it help me with my English, my ear, mainly, trying to follow the rhythm of the language, the speak.
I think I have too much to work, but I still on that!
Thanks 4 reading!
I think I have too much to work, but I still on that!
Thanks 4 reading!
viernes, 17 de agosto de 2018
Changes to my study programme
When I started into the univesity, into Social Work, I think the study programme it was fine. Whit its subject lie spistemology, social psicology, subject of history, etc. But in the practice, I think it's necesary they could make us the professional practice before of the third year of the carrer, so we could see if we like the practice of the carrer most the theory of it. And we could have more experience. Before of we graduate of the carrer, at five years of study.
Also, I think that they should make us more subject about languajes, apart of English. Because, the techer show us, some many texts, and book, into languajes isn't Spanish, so we should search the traductions about them. So I think they should incorporate idioms like Portuguese, French, and German. Because we could be an integral professionals.
Also, the classroom. We don´t have classes into the Faculty, apart of English. And it's so the conditions of the classroom of the Faculty, its are very warm, hot, on summer. And cold on winter, it have heating, but it's not enough. So, in place to fix the classroom of the Faculty, we have classes out. Into other classroom, it have good heating and space.
About the teaching methods, I don't have mayor problems about this, only with teacher especially. With his mentally of more bad grades, most teacher she/he is (cofcofeconomycofcof). And the classes in hour where all it's boring, and the only you want it's sleep a nap. And too the academic overload, after of mobilizations of university.
Thanks 4 reading!

Also, the classroom. We don´t have classes into the Faculty, apart of English. And it's so the conditions of the classroom of the Faculty, its are very warm, hot, on summer. And cold on winter, it have heating, but it's not enough. So, in place to fix the classroom of the Faculty, we have classes out. Into other classroom, it have good heating and space.
About the teaching methods, I don't have mayor problems about this, only with teacher especially. With his mentally of more bad grades, most teacher she/he is (cofcofeconomycofcof). And the classes in hour where all it's boring, and the only you want it's sleep a nap. And too the academic overload, after of mobilizations of university.
Thanks 4 reading!
viernes, 3 de agosto de 2018
Personal Opinion

I think that it's not a ideal habitat to a exotic animal. I mean, if about a snake, for example, it not too much to do in a city. Although I must to admit that I think some exotic animals are cute, like hedgehogs, fishes, parrot, etc. But I still think that it's no appropiate have animals aren't used to the city, or place that isn't its natural habitat. But, if you have one, you should looking for it very well, take care and be responsable with it, i mean it's a life you choiced to have.
What is your opinion about child labor?
I think it isn't be, but it happen. I mean, a child should be thinking about of play and study. Enjoy before all adult's worries come to him/her (thinking on adult age). But, well, not all of childs have the same families and the same conditions of life, and that's by economic sistem and the society, that let it be. I think that it's a matter it be working all together.
What is your opinion about tatoos?
I think it are very beatiful. I said it thinking on the story of them in some many cultures, the story it represent. And the beautifull designes that's apared ultimatly. I wish make me one, but thinking it is for all the life... it be on my skin for ever... it make me feel nervous, because... what I can do if at 10 years more I won't like it more? Well, at the mooment I prefer to see on another person while I decide which make me in near future.
What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?
I think it must be, because the marijuana for some people it is a medicine. Not only a bad habit, such as think some people about this. The cigarette it's more a vicie than marijuana, and it is legal. I think it is a matter of economics interest of monopoly cigarette, that it's not good for them that it be legal. Well, besides of problems it come to the body too, but it happen too with the cigarette. I don't know too much about this matter, but that's I think.
Thanks 4 reading!
viernes, 27 de julio de 2018
Someone I'd like to meet
In my life I've met many different people, but there are people that I think I can never meet (not while I'm still anonymous), and thoses people are almost always famous, or ordinary people, as real as you like me, whom I do not dare to approach (I'm a shy girl sometimes, especially when I'm in front of someone I find very cool /-\) But in this time, I'll talk about someone very especial for me, and someone I'd like to meet is for example, my future son's father: Bruno Mars.
I would like to meet him, because he has not only conquered my heart (and the one of many others) with his voice and songs, but because there was also a great effort and preparation behind it. And a desire to continue advancing in his dream, not only singing, but also adding choreography, light play, artificial games, providing a first level show to his fans. He is a very admirable person to me, and if I couldn't make real my platonic love. I will very happy if I could keep a conversation with him about music, about artist world, about the life.
He is a Hawaiian composer and singer, who has had great success worldwide with his songs and performances, together with The Hooligans.
And I admire him, beacuse I think he is a very hard working person, because it isn't easy to stay in the show business, he studied music, he prepared himself for what was always his dream. Be a star. He followed his dream and now we can see him shine <3!
He has achieved many successfull songs by himself and for other artists (before debuting as soloists) allowing him to experience and show us that he is not only an interpreter, but that he can also make his own songs. And he has performed in different stages, not only in EEUU, but around the word too. He has been to South America too, even to Chile! the end of world! that means that he doesn't forget about the Latin American audience and after hurricane in Puerto Rico, he traslated his hit "Just the way you are" into Spanish, as a sign of support for the country and the cause (besides his girlfriend is from there </3)

Thanks 4 reading!
viernes, 20 de julio de 2018
Postgraduate Studies
I don't know what to study specifically when I graduate of university, about my career. But in this moment, I would like to study other languages,and travel. Like learn well Chinese, or Japanese, and travel to these places. Or travel to other countries in South America. Anyway, take a free year ;)
So after this, I would like to study other career, one what is relationed with public health. Maybe try again with Fonoaudiology, I don't know actually.
But in this moment, I don't see me taking some postgraduate course o something like that. Unless they have a course with public area, because I think it could have relation with public health in some way. Or some course about education, and can be in school, or artistc academies (hopefully). Or something let me go out of Chile, exchange maybe (?
Because I'm interesting in this areas, and I would like that be abroad (that woul give it a plus to my curriculum), and let me to meet and learn of the country that I am. But if I do in my country, Chile. I would like part-time courses (to complement with my work and the other activities i do)
Anyway, to do these plans, I need money. So while I'm study, I'm work too, for save money to what it is I want to do with my life when I finish the career.
Thanks 4 reading!!
So after this, I would like to study other career, one what is relationed with public health. Maybe try again with Fonoaudiology, I don't know actually.
But in this moment, I don't see me taking some postgraduate course o something like that. Unless they have a course with public area, because I think it could have relation with public health in some way. Or some course about education, and can be in school, or artistc academies (hopefully). Or something let me go out of Chile, exchange maybe (?
Because I'm interesting in this areas, and I would like that be abroad (that woul give it a plus to my curriculum), and let me to meet and learn of the country that I am. But if I do in my country, Chile. I would like part-time courses (to complement with my work and the other activities i do)
Anyway, to do these plans, I need money. So while I'm study, I'm work too, for save money to what it is I want to do with my life when I finish the career.
Thanks 4 reading!!
viernes, 13 de julio de 2018
My Future Job
Since I was a child I always knew that I would be a professional, because in my family my mom and uncle are the first university professionals, so it's the way they think you can live better. Well, and I like the jobs from university too. Like veterinary.
And the job that I would like is a job that I can stay in artistic world, for example in artistic academies, chours, museums, etc. And I feel with Social Work I have these possibilities and more, like stay in the hospitals, schools, etc. And I preffer my job to be outdoor, not in an office all the time, because I think that I feel so bored and static, so I would like to go away all the time.
I don't know if in my work I would travel, but if it could be... I'll like it. I'd enjoy my job then. Although I plan to save money to travel to the places for holydays, when I start to work.
I think of taking an education major, because I want to stay in school or academies, or something that lets me stay in hospital, well, the public sector. I haven't decided it yet, but I still have time to think about it.
I have other options to satisfy my objetive, like fonoaudiology, but apparently I do not get along with the scientific sciences as well as with my humanist side. Although I like the idea of being called "doctor" xD but it didn't happen anyway so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thanks 4 reading!
And the job that I would like is a job that I can stay in artistic world, for example in artistic academies, chours, museums, etc. And I feel with Social Work I have these possibilities and more, like stay in the hospitals, schools, etc. And I preffer my job to be outdoor, not in an office all the time, because I think that I feel so bored and static, so I would like to go away all the time.
I don't know if in my work I would travel, but if it could be... I'll like it. I'd enjoy my job then. Although I plan to save money to travel to the places for holydays, when I start to work.
I think of taking an education major, because I want to stay in school or academies, or something that lets me stay in hospital, well, the public sector. I haven't decided it yet, but I still have time to think about it.
I have other options to satisfy my objetive, like fonoaudiology, but apparently I do not get along with the scientific sciences as well as with my humanist side. Although I like the idea of being called "doctor" xD but it didn't happen anyway so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thanks 4 reading!
viernes, 6 de julio de 2018
My Best Friend
My best friend is a girl, her name I prefer to keep it anonnime. Her zodiacal sign is Aries, she is one year younger than me, and I met her in the high school, when I was in a Chinese course. We made a group of friends with the girl that were in the course (it was a high school of girls only). There was hardly any people in the course, but with the ones that were there, we could make a nice group, everybody had similar tastes, like series, TV shows, games, etc. So since then we haven't lost contact. But specially, with this person, I talk a lot, and go out more, she listes to me, and I listes to her; I feel comfortable with her, and thanks to her I met new persons, university activities, and orientation of this (because she graduated a year before me).
And a good memory is when we were high school students, and we were in my house almost all the day, watching, series, movies, eating, and disguising ourselves (we had wigs, don't ask me why xD). We have done meetings like that with the girls of the course of the high school, and we have done slumber party, organized by us, and we have offered our houses for the parties. Until today.
Thanks for reading!!

Thanks for reading!!
My Favorite TV show
I'd watched many TV shows and many series, so it's difficult to me thinking about one only.
But I remember one TV show that kept me awake when I was a child until dawn, and this is "La Ley De La Selva". A familiar TV show, educative, and funny, where we could watch different animals, with tips to pet owners, reports, and sometimes operations.
It was hosted by the veterinarian Sebastián "Lindorfo" Jimenez and Janette Moenne-Loccoz
My favorite episode is... I can't remember which one, but I loved when they showed us the exotic animals, like snakes, cocodiles. Animals of Savannah and Jungle. Maybe beacuse I knew I couldn't go to those places.
I liked the TV show beacuse I liked the idea about becoming a veterinarian when I grow up, but when they showed us exotic pets in the programme (like insects), so I could see I wasn't going to become a veterinarian, but I love to watch those programme style. For example, "Zooboomafoo", other
programme about animals, especially of Jungle (of I can remember).
But I remember one TV show that kept me awake when I was a child until dawn, and this is "La Ley De La Selva". A familiar TV show, educative, and funny, where we could watch different animals, with tips to pet owners, reports, and sometimes operations.
It was hosted by the veterinarian Sebastián "Lindorfo" Jimenez and Janette Moenne-Loccoz
My favorite episode is... I can't remember which one, but I loved when they showed us the exotic animals, like snakes, cocodiles. Animals of Savannah and Jungle. Maybe beacuse I knew I couldn't go to those places.

Thanks for
viernes, 27 de abril de 2018
POST #2: The best concert ever!!!
My best concert ever?... uff... hard question.
I've been in Kudai's concert anda RBD's concert. It was when I was a child, and my mom bought me the tickets, and with Kudai's case we went to the backs stage and I fell in love with Tomás (in that moment he became my first platonic love <3!). with Rebelde (RBD) was very emotional, but I didn't see them so close, we bought galery tickets only.
My more recent concert was Bruno Mars. I wrote a post about him before. And i'ts a best concert I've ever been, because, it's my first concert where I paid for myself. I worked for it, and bought my ticket to go.
I remember it was on 28th November, 2017, I'd been waiting this for months, since the news were released. I woke up at 5 A.M, to stay in the line at 6-7 A.M in the Estadio Nacional. I didn't camp like other people, but I stayed in a good place anyway. I made friends in the waiting to the concert to start, in the line, and we were in the first row to see him, but with people moves we ended up two or three people away from the stage; very close anyway.
I went alone, but I did not care, because I wanted to see him since his first concert in Chile, in 2012, and I couldn't go because my mom didn't buy me the tickets, and I didn't work that time. We didn't have money that time </3. So this time was my rematch! And I wanted to live it the best way! So I paid to stay in Court VIP, and I was the best decision ever! Although I couldn't breathe sometimes, for the people's presion (worst than the underground), I could sing, scream and dance.
It was a beautiful day. I wish that I can repet it. I live to see and hear my love again <3, with his songs, choreographies, and shows with the Hooligans, they sincronize very well, and we, the fans, appreciate it. And the music world too, for something they won awards for their music.
I'll wait for the moment to Bruno Mars return to Chile and I can go again.
Here's the link of my previous blog about him:
Thanks 4 reading!
I've been in Kudai's concert anda RBD's concert. It was when I was a child, and my mom bought me the tickets, and with Kudai's case we went to the backs stage and I fell in love with Tomás (in that moment he became my first platonic love <3!). with Rebelde (RBD) was very emotional, but I didn't see them so close, we bought galery tickets only.
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Poster of Bruno Mars's Tour. |
I remember it was on 28th November, 2017, I'd been waiting this for months, since the news were released. I woke up at 5 A.M, to stay in the line at 6-7 A.M in the Estadio Nacional. I didn't camp like other people, but I stayed in a good place anyway. I made friends in the waiting to the concert to start, in the line, and we were in the first row to see him, but with people moves we ended up two or three people away from the stage; very close anyway.
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Bruno Mars in Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile. 28th, November, 2017 |
It was a beautiful day. I wish that I can repet it. I live to see and hear my love again <3, with his songs, choreographies, and shows with the Hooligans, they sincronize very well, and we, the fans, appreciate it. And the music world too, for something they won awards for their music.
I'll wait for the moment to Bruno Mars return to Chile and I can go again.
Here's the link of my previous blog about him:
Thanks 4 reading!
jueves, 5 de abril de 2018
POST #1: "A place you would like to visit"
There are many places that I would like
to visit!

Another place, this time is national. It's
Torres del Paine. This place I would like to back pack around South Chile until
Torres del Paine. That's the project I can make came true more than the others. Because I
feel it’s handier for me and my pocket.
I have more places that I would like to travel, and I only think about this, going alone. But if in the process many friends want to go, too. I wouldn't refuse. Maybe, it is cheaper for all, with the travel agencies for axample, if we talk about other country.
Thanks for reading!!
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